Handy Guide: Guinea Pig Poop Chart
Article - 2 min read • Updated Dec 01, 2024
Medically reviewed by Dr. Arman Chen, BVSc (Qld.), BSc (Leic.)

Why Guinea Pig Poop Matters?
Guinea pigs are hind gut fermentors that processes vegetation such as hay as their main diet. These little critters are also highly sensitive to small changes in their environment and diet. Unfortunately, even if they ingest something they shouldn’t, they are physically unable to vomit the offending object and this means it will have to pass through their GI tract (or gut).
What Does Poop Colour and Consistency Tell Us?
Any gut issues in your guinea pigs can be observed through the colour, consistency and shape of their poop. We have compiled a handy guide here for your reference:

Download the printable version here.
When is it Time To See The Vet?
If you notice soft and smelly or bloody poo, it is a clear sign to bring your guinea pig to see a vet immediately without delay. It may be a difference between life and death for these pocket pets.
Aside from observing your pet’s poo, you can also watch out for the signs of some common illnesses that inflict guinea pigs here.
Our experienced team at Gaia Vets welcome and see pocket pets such as guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas and rats. Book a consult with us at 6950 4533 (Jalan Besar) or 6727 7511 (Parksuites, Holland Grove Rd).