Gaia Veterinary Centre

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Why Is Pet Insurance Important for Veterinary Care in Singapore

The last few years have seen a huge jump in living expenses in Singapore. If you are a paw parent, vet bills can be daunting due to routine check-ups, vaccinations, and minor treatments and we have not even mentioned any potential cost due to emergencies, surgeries, or specialized treatments.

Working with an affordable vet clinic in Singapore is important, but choosing pet insurance adds an extra layer of financial security, allowing you to prioritize their health without being overly concerned about the bills.

Given the increasing costs in Singapore, here are 5 reasons why you should get pet insurance before seeking veterinary care for your furry kid.

Why You Should Get Pet Insurance For Your Fur Kid:

1.     Accidents and Unexpected Emergencies

2.     Chronic Conditions and Long-Term Care

3.     Breed-Specific Health Issues

4.     Accidental Poisoning or Ingestion of Foreign Objects

5.     Surgical Procedures and Treatments

1. Accidents and Unexpected Emergencies

Imagine you're out on a walk with your dog, and he suddenly dashes across the road, resulting in a car accident. Your pet sustains severe injuries and requires immediate veterinary attention.

Without pet insurance, the cost of emergency surgery, hospitalization, and follow-up treatments can be overwhelming.

2. Chronic Conditions and Long-Term Care

Like us, our fur kids can get chronic diseases such as diabetes etc. Managing diabetes in pets requires regular veterinary check-ups, blood glucose monitoring, and insulin injections. Over time, the expenses for insulin, special food, and medical consultations can accumulate.

As long as it is not a pre-existing condition, chronic diseases can be covered up to a certain amount for treatment and management. Buying pet insurance early ensures that you can have a peace of mind, knowing that the ongoing costs for managing your pet's diabetes will be covered.

3. Breed-Specific Health Issues

Certain pet breeds are genetically predisposed to specific health conditions. For instance, Bulldogs may experience respiratory issues due to their flat faces (brachycephalic) while Golden Retrievers are prone to certain heart conditions.

If you own a breed with known hereditary health concerns, having a pet insurance can help to alleviate treatment expenses that are associated with these ailments. However, do note that not every pet breed is insurable. Please check with your pet insurance provider to see if they will insure the breed of your dog or cat.  

4. Accidental Poisoning or Ingestion of Foreign Objects

Our pets are naturally curious creatures, often exploring their surroundings with their noses and mouths. Dogs, in particular, have a knack for gobbling food they shouldn't such as chocolate, grapes, and onions which may lead to vomiting, diarrhoea, seizures, and even organ failure.

In addition, puppies love chewing on small toys and socks. More often than not, these objects can become lodged in their gastrointestinal tract, leading to intestinal blockages.

Such cases require immediate veterinary attention and without pet insurance, the costs of emergency treatments and potential hospitalization can be steep.

5. Surgical Procedures and Treatments

In our pet clinic, we have often encountered cases of hyperactive pets suffering from severe ligament tears that require complex orthopaedic surgery. Like us, they could also develop tumours that require surgical removal and post-operative care. In both cases, expenses for surgeries, anesthesia, medications, and follow-up visits can take a toll on your finances.

Please note that pet insurance providers have different plans for different coverage, hence we recommend checking with your pet insurer for the latest update.

Every Pet Deserves a Healthy and Happy Life

Pet insurance is essential for pet owners as it offers financial security and enables you to make decisions based on your pet's health needs rather than financial constraints.

With over a decade of experience in veterinary care, we are recognised as one of the more dependable and affordable vet clinics in Singapore. Before deciding on your pet insurance, consult with us so you can understand your pet's health risks and requirements to get the right coverage.

On top of insurance, getting regular health checks will also help to defray potential costs by screening for common diseases and ailments early. Early detection almost always saves pet owners the heartache and headache arising from treatment bills.