Chip In For A Peace of Mind


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Because doing the small things can actually make a big difference.

Some FAQs regarding microchipping:

1. Is it necessary?

God forbid your pet goes missing. But if she does and ends up in SPCA or an animal shelter, she can be easily identified and returned to you. The SPCA shelter and AVA can scan any animal sent to them, identity the registered owner and get in touch. Collar tags can be removed or lost but the microchip stays with your pet (and linked to you) for life.

Comic credit Patrick McDonnell

Comic credit Patrick McDonnell

2. Is it painful?

It is a simple, straightforward procedure and the microchip is small like a rice grain. No anaesthesia needed, with minimal and short-lived discomfort akin to getting an injection.

3. Is it expensive?

It’s cheaper than replacing a lost IC.

4. Is is troublesome?

Just two simple steps:

  1. Bring your pet to us for the procedure

  2. Register your details with the microchip number via AVA’s page here. You’ll need to login using your Singpass.