5 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Dog Pancreatitis
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Ah… betcha never thought about your dog’s pancreas until your vet told you she’s got pancreatitis. This means your dog’s pancreas is inflamed and not working like it should.
*Note: For information on cat pancreatitis, click here.
What does the pancreas normally do again? It produces insulin and enzymes that help digest food. So if it is not working and channelling the enzymes to where they should end up (in your dog’s digestive tract), digestive enzymes will land outside the pancreas and start to break down the fat and proteins in your pancreas. That’s why...
1) Pancreatitis can be really really painful
Because in effect, your dog’s body is digesting itself. Your dog will experience abdominal pain and have a hard time lying down comfortably because the inflamed pancreas is located in her abdominal cavity, just next to her stomach. She may also appear to have a hunched back as well.
That’s not all. She may experience all the other symptoms, enough to make her utterly miserable:
Loss of Appetite
Increased Heart Rate
Breathing Difficulties
Pancreatitis can pass, but it can also last and in severe cases, it can be fatal. So if your dog experiences the symptoms above for more than one day and they persist, please bring her to see a vet. It could be pancreatitis or something else. Either way, early detection and treatment will help you and your pet avoid a lot of pain and misery.
2) Pancreatitis can spread to other organs
Yes, it is not an isolated problem. The pancreas is near vital organs like the gallbladder, liver, and intestines which also reside in the abdominal cavity. The whole abdomen can become inflamed.
Pancreatitis can also occur if there was physical trauma to the pancreas, e.g. caused by a car accident. But sometimes there is no known cause for pancreatitis.
Pancreatitis generally comes in two forms: chronic and acute. Both forms of pancreatitis can be mild or severe.
Chronic means the disease has developed over a period of time (e.g. days and months) with little or no symptoms. Chronic pancreatitis can also be a result of repeated bouts of acute pancreatitis.
Acute pancreatitis, however, happens suddenly with no previous appearance of this condition before.
3) Fatty foods like bacon can trigger it
Your dog can come down with a bout of pancreatitis because she ate a large amount of fatty food within a short time. This is one of the most common cases of pancreatitis we see here at Gaia Vets.
This is especially so during holiday seasons such as Christmas, when pet owners share festive food which are high in fat e.g. lamb, fatty pork, butter cookies etc.
“Sharing is not caring when it comes to your pets. Even if you are just sharing scraps from the table, you may be doing more damage than you think.” - Dr Arman Chen, Veterinary Surgeon & Practice Manager